Useful resources as related to the WorldWideWeb project and history.
Web pages
- World Wide Web, a formal definition
- The Story Behind the WWW Hypertext 91 Demo Page and UNC and me
- The World Wide Web (W3) demonstration
- A summary of the Conference Programme for offering turorials and presentations
- A conference held in Texas on HyperText in 1991
- ENQUIRE, a predecessor of the Web written in 1980 by Tim Berners-Lee
- libwww, a modular client-side Web API for Windows and UNIX
- Eleventy Documentation: Tutorials for a simple static-site generator
- A demonstration of the first Web browser, Nexus Browser
- Nicola Pellow, a member of the WWW project who wrote the Universal Line-mode browser
- A brief history of the Internet, the World Wide Web and Web standards
- Web of Genesis: How Tim Berners-Lee’s intelligent design gave birth to the modern Web
- The History of the Internet Part Two: World Wide Web Early Years
- On Hacking, from Richard Stallman's personal site
- The word "Hacker", from Paul Graham's essays
- Good old Bitnet, and the rise of the World Wide Web, Richard Jacobsson
- Minimising the muddle, Peggie Rimmer
- Web Growth Summary, Matthew Gray - MIT
- Minitel, one of the most successful pre-world wide web online services